Reach Us Globally

Global Locations

Intrax is a truly global company, with offices on four continents and 500,000 participants from more than 100 countries around the world
We take our role as citizen diplomats seriously, constantly striving to ensure that our participants become better informed members of the global community.
Intrax Global Presence

The Americas

Intrax San Francisco
455 Market St, Suite 1700
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Intrax Chile
Avda. Apoquindo 6410
Oficina 508
Las Condes, Santiago Chile


Intrax Germany
Giesebrechtstraße 10
10629 Berlin
Intrax UK FurtherTravel
First Floor, Fairbairn Building
70-72 Sackville Street
Manchester M1 3NJ
United Kingdom


Intrax Japan
Marinx Tower 7F
1-9-11 Kaigan, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0022
Intrax Korea
322 Teheran-ro,
Hanshin Intervalley 24 West Bldg. Suite 1716
Seoul, Korea 135-918
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