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Intrax Participants
AuPairCare Participants
Meet Intrax

A leader in cultural exchange

As a premier cultural exchange leader bringing people together from around the world, Intrax has offered international programs to over 500,000 people worldwide. Our participants include adventurous young people, families, young professionals, Fortune 500 companies, and prestigious universities. They are worldly and passionate about making the world a better place through cultural understanding and increased global awareness.

Get to know Intrax and the people who help us carry out our mission of connecting people and cultures. With decades of experience in cultural exchange, passionate employees, and a host of professional affiliations and partnerships, Intrax is a leader in global education and citizen diplomacy.
A New Documentary Series

Out of Office with Intrax

Follow behind-the-scenes in this captivating documentary series, as the Intrax CEO visits inspiring individuals and families who are part of Intrax's cultural exchange programs.
Out of Office with Intrax
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